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Founded in 1999,  Lake Murray Elementary School is known for having a rigorous teaching and collaborative learning environment that encourages all students to aspire to be their very best while celebrating their individual successes.

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Principal’s Corner

Leisa Clamp

Welcome to Lake Murray Elementary School! This year we are celebrating 25 Years of Mariner Magic! I am honored to serve alongside our dedicated team of amazing teachers and staff who are committed to providing a nurturing and inclusive environment where every student is sure to thrive! 

We believe in the power of partnerships.  We are so thankful for the many volunteers, mentors, and business partners that help elevate our programs.  It is our goal to work collaboratively to support our students in achieving their highest potential socially, emotionally, and academically. We are excited to work together with you to ensure the success of every child. 

As we work together throughout the year, I want to encourage you to stay in contact with your child’s teacher. Through teamwork, open communication and a dedication to continuous improvement; Lake Murray Elementary will continue to be a school where each child is challenged, nurtured and provided with high quality learning experiences. 

It is my pleasure to serve this community and be part of a team that is committed to excellence!  Thank you for entrusting me with your child. I am incredibly honored to serve you. Go Mariners!

Leisa Clamp, Principal